Ruth Clare

Authenticity begins with honesty

Honesty is one of those things that many of us tend to avoid. Not because we are lying jerks. But because we don’t want to rock the boat, make others angry or voice an unpopular opinion.

Many of us hide from the truth rather than face the consequences or vulnerability that can happen when we admit something that is true. Admitting the truth can look like “this isn’t working,” or “I am not willing to tolerate this any further” or “I made a mistake and I am sorry”. It can look like “I love you” or “I really want this but I don’t know if it will happen.”

But being brave enough to stare reality in the face is the only way you get to make a choice about whether you are happy with how things are or whether something needs to change.

But for a long time I didn’t share my truth or my story. I didn’t tell people about my past or all the work I had done to overcome my experience growing up in a home with violence and addiction because I thought they might look down on me. I didn’t share my needs or wants or opinions because I was afraid of what others might think.

We all do this to different extents. But when we keep skirting away from the truth, we miss out on the opportunity to build connections, drive change and find there is a place for us in the world where who we are, just as we are, is worthy of love and belonging.

Honesty isn’t always comfortable. But it is always worthwhile.


Ruth Clare is an award-winning author, TEDx and motivational keynote speaker, professional actor, qualified scientist and authenticity, resilience and change expert who learned by necessity, first to survive, then to thrive. Ruth weaves research and hard-won lessons with powerful, relatable stories from her lived experience overcoming adversity, to help others find the courage to own the stories that are holding them back so they can rewrite their lives. With a rare knack for distilling the neuroscience and psychology of human behaviour into simple ideas and practical strategies, Ruth shows people how to embrace uncertainty, stay hopeful when times are tough and harness their potential for growth and change. Ruth’s TEDx talk, The Pain of Hiding Your True Self, has had over half a million views.